Loon and Chicks: Complete Step–By–Step Instructions

-SKU: WB17

Sale price$35.30


Complete Step–By–Step Instructions for Carving and Painting an Adult Common Loon and Its Young by Laurie J. McNeil

Step–by–step instructions on carving and painting an adult common loon and its two chicks Guide to all essential tools and materials Clearly illustrated background on basic skills and techniques Includes patterns

Laurie J. McNeil is a world champion wildfowl sculptor who has instructed students throughout the United States and Canada since 1985. Her common loon placed third in world decorative life–size floating pairs at the 2011 Ward World Championship. Laurie uses no knives and instead has developed her carving techniques exclusively around power carving. Working from a single piece of the highest–quality tupelo, Laurie creates one–piece sculptures that will stand the test of time. She demonstrates her techniques, from start to finish, in this highly anticipated book.

Pages: 112

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